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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

On Line Meditation Program (from India)
Date      :  14th July 2013, Sunday

Time of Webcast in English :  5 - 9 pm Indian Time
(other country's corresponding time mentioned below)
Time of Webcast in Hindi  : 10 am - 1pm Indian Time
ऑन लाइन ध्यान
कार्यक्रम की तिथि :  14  जुलाई 2013
हिंदी भाषा में प्रसारण का समय : प्रात: 10 से 1 बजे तक
अंग्रेजी भाषा में प्रसारण का समय : सायं 5 से 9 बजे तक 

हे देवी ,श्री आदिशक्ति, श्री माताजी, आपके असीम मातृत्व  प्रेम  व् सानिध्य के अनुपम आशीर्वाद  की प्राप्ति के लिए हम अपनी प्रार्थना आपके चरण कमलों में अर्पित करते हैं  l 

Param Pujya Shri Mataji, all your  children pray at your  Lotus Feet that- we all remain connected and surrendered in your divine love to spread your message of love, forgiveness and peace. May Shri Mataji bless us all with the meditative state to be one with our primordial Mother every moment of our life. May the divine love of Shri Mataji flow in every one in this world and may we always remain in the divine eternal kingdom of Shri Mataji. Let us all pray and meditate together. Online Meditation  program (from India) in ENGLISH, on Date      : 14th July 2013, Sunday   
Timing :
5 - 9 pm India,
Moscow (Russia) 03:30 pm MSK,
USA (New York) 7:30 am EDT,  USA (Los Angeles) 04:30 am PDT, Romania (Bucharest) 2.30 pm EEST, Manama (Bahrain) 02:30 pm AST, Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) 09:30 pmEDT, Vienna (Austria - Vienna) 01:30 pm CEST, Abu Dhabi (UAE - Abu Dhabi) 03:30 pm GST, Toronto (Canada - Ontario) 07:30 am EDT, Milan (Italy) 01:30 pm CEST, London (United Kingdom - England) 12:30 am BST,   Paris (France) 01:30 pm CEST, Thimphu (Bhutan) 05:30 pm BTT, Vancouver (Canada - British Columbia) 04:30 am PDT, Frankfurt (Germany - Hesse) 01:30 pm CEST. Web link for converting Time for other countries :

For enjoying the blissful blessings of being
encompassed in the ocean of Paramchaitanya, we would like to humbly request all please be peacefully seated in meditation before the alter during the whole program so that collective attention towards Mother is  without any diversions/disturbances. Please do take care to  silence your mobiles and avoid any other activities while you are attending the Meditation, as it is a protocol and respect for our Guru who is  Shri Adi Shakti.


  1. jai shree mataji ji please arrange these programs in hilly areas.

  2. The feeling of oneness with SHRI MATAJI that one gets during these programs whenever and wherever they are conducted is something that cannot be explained.The realisation that you are loved,cared and protected by goddess herself is so overwhelming.And all this can be achieved in a sahaj way where all one has to do is to have a pure desire to get connected to our SHREE MATAJI.

  3. Very Nice & Vibratory Programme
    Keep it up
    Jai Shri Mataji

  4. We all are attending this program in collectivity (approx 300 sahajyogi). In ballia experiences is that Jab most hue to kya boley

  5. can i know the dates when it will be online meditation. i also want to attend. how do i get to know when there is meditation.
