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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Intimation of on line meditation program on15th August 2013 India's Independence day

On Line Meditation Program (from India)
Date      :  15th August 2013, Thursday, India's
                   Independence Day

Time of Webcast in Hindi- English :  4- 8 pm Indian Time
(other country's corresponding time mentioned below)
eb Link :
ऑन लाइन ध्यान
कार्यक्रम की तिथि : 15  अगस्त  2013
प्रसारण का समय : सायं  4  से 8 बजे तक

वेब साईट :
हे देवी श्री आदिशक्ति श्री माताजी, आपके असीम मातृत्व  प्रेम  व् सानिध्य के अनुपम आशीर्वाद  की प्राप्ति के लिए हम
अपनी प्रार्थना आपके चरण कमलों में अर्पित करते हैं  l Param Pujya Shri Mataji, all your  children pray at your  Lotus Feet that- we all remain connected and surrendered in your divine love to spread your message of love, forgiveness and peace. May Shri Mataji bless us all with the meditative state to be one with our primordial Mother every moment of our life. May the divine love of Shri Mataji flow in every one in this world and may we always remain in the divine eternal kingdom of Shri Mataji. Let us all pray and meditate together. Online Meditation  program (from India) in Hindi-English, on

Date      : 15th August 2013, Thursday,  
                 India's Independence Day
Timing :
4 - 8 pm India,
Moscow (Russia) 03:30 pm MSK,
USA (New York) 6:30 am EDT,  USA (Los Angeles) 03:30 am PDT, Romania (Bucharest) 1.30 pm EEST, Manama (Bahrain) 01:30 pm AST, Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) 08:30 pmEDT, Vienna (Austria - Vienna) 12:30 pm CEST, Abu Dhabi (UAE - Abu Dhabi) 02:30 pm GST, Toronto (Canada - Ontario) 06:30 am EDT, Milan (Italy) 12:30 pm CEST, London (United Kingdom - England) 11:30 am BST,   Paris (France) 12:30 pm CEST, Thimphu (Bhutan) 04:30 pm BTT, Vancouver (Canada - British Columbia) 03:30 am PDT, Frankfurt (Germany - Hesse) 12:30 pm CEST. Web link for converting Time for other countries :

For enjoying the blissful blessings of being
encompassed in the ocean of Paramchaitanya, we would like to humbly request all please be peacefully seated in meditation before the alter during the whole program so that collective attention towards Mother is  without any diversions/disturbances. Please do take care to  silence your mobiles and avoid any other activities while you are attending the Meditation, as it is a protocol and respect for our Guru who is  Shri Adi Shakti.

With Nirmal Love
Your family


  1. Thanks Divine Mother for the divine blessings on all your children during this auspicious occasion of Indian Independence.

    Jai Shri Mataji

  2. not able to listen audio because of bad internet connection, can I get that recording.

  3. Jai Shri Mataji,

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Thanks for the yet again excellent session. By the Grace of Shri Mataji, was able to attend the session from the start. Today's session was an unique experience. The vibrations were felt strongly from the start and when Bhayya was requesting to ask Mother for oneness, we could clearly feel the pull on Sahastrar. Overall, today's vibrations was like a flowing river without any interruption. Icing on the cake was the aalap. Whatever chakra the sister was singing, when we put our hand could feel clearly the vibrations. Same was the experience for the song, Nirbhaya.. Nirguna and Maa Teri Jay ho and Tu hai Eswar was simply superb..

    Instead of concentrating on the song and trying to enjoy it, instead if we offer it to Shri Mataji, the feelings are really great. The whole body and the subtle system became very light today. Thanks for enlightening.

    Please keep up the good work. Let's pray to Shri Mataji to have more sessions and let more and more seekers have this experience of oneness.

    Thanks to all in your team for this selfless service.

    With best regards,
