1. Shobha Singh shobhasatya.singh@gmail.com
Jai ShriMataji,
Dear brothers and sisters,
At the onset, we want to
thank you for this beautiful meditation programme, which to us seemed like a
short 10-minutes session. We would like to share some of our experiences with
Kishori Mishra:
I have never been able to sit
at a stretch for more than 30 minutes due to back ache and my advanced age ---
I still cant believe it has been four hours. Thank you for this amazing
Prafull Kumar Sinha:
Unique experience - complete
bliss and thoughtless awareness - a never-before experience. Learnt how to
truly offer prayers to our divine Mother's lotus feet
Anuradha Kapoor
revisited....Felt like I was sitting in a very big collectivity....It was my
birthday gift from the divine :-)
Sukanya Mishra:
Effortless clearance -
Heaviness in the beginning dissipated gradually - felt awesome after balancing.
Felt Nirvicharita.....one of a kind experience in 20 years of Sahaja Yoga.
Also, as soon as I started
surrendering my problem to Mother, I couldnt proceed after mentioning half of
my problem. A complete silence took over.
Lalita Sinha
Complete thoughtless
awareness, bliss
With many thanks and deep
Brothers and Sisters from
Ranchi Collectivity
PS: We would be very grateful
if you could add the below emails to your notification list:
smritirekhasingh@gmail.com; anujkapoor_ism87@hotmail.com;
prafullakumarsinha@yahoo.co.in; hemcodesign@gmail.com
Jai Shree Matajee !!!
(Pankaj Kumar Sinha)
Durgapur (W.B), India.
Contact No.: +91 9709000013 (M).
2. Lia Rai liakrai@yahoo.com
Dear Brothers and Sisters from India!
Thank you for taking time, and being
instruments of Shri Mataji on this beautiful project.
It is such an amazing experience to be
connected to the world collective at the same time and enjoy Mother’s
vibrations and blessings.
We are in Nebraska, USA, and through your
efforts, and Mothers blessings, our small collective can enjoy the benefits of
a huge universal collective.
These collective mediations are very healing
and take us to a higher state of meditation and connection with the Divine
Thank you again,
Jai Shri Mataji,
3. sambath kumar
Dear brothers and sisters
By the Grace of our Mother We
the collective of Cuddalore town in Tamilnadu enjoyed the programme from the
starting itself and one with the collective.
Our Hearts are bubbling with Joy and we are in
no mood to get up for the Lunch.
Thank You, Thank You,Thanlk
You very much
We pray to Shri Ma to bless
the programme co ordinators to conduct more and more Programmes and bless in
all wlks of Life.
Pl continue this programme
every week.
Sambathkumar Cuddalore
Pl Send the details of the
programme to the following email id
4. sonia satish soniaparvati@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji
I am sonia from UAE ,
15th August Online
Meditation was completely thoughtless and vibration was
flowing so well that we can really feel
our Mother who has given us all the powers . Only now we realize the powers
working in our hands our value . Most of our problems are getting solved when i
attended this online meditation. I request from my heart that more and more
people know about this meditation so that we really become united & one with Shri Mataji, Real transformation can
take place only through such a meditation where we realize our self.
Koti Koti pranam to shri
May Shri Mataji bless each and every team who has worked for this online meditation .
With Nirmal Love
5. Jaikishan Tejwani jktejwani@gmail.com
Really it was blissful
meditation n it is required for every sahajyogi i got answer to lot of
question please inform me whenever there is next progrm at 9810683207
(jaikishan from delhi)
6. shilpa naik shilunnaik@yahoo.co.in
JSM!It was a wonderful
experience to meditate like this &I thought that Mother has taken me for a
ride in Heaven !JUST WONDERFUL.
Email id shilunnaik@yahoo.co.in
Mobile no. 9850046747 , 9922821191
7. pankaj sinha pks_ranchi@yahoo.co.in
Jai Shree Matajee !
At the out set many hearty
Congratulations & Best Wishes to the SY-Collective team who have taken such
pain & initiative to organize such a desired & much needed today's
Collective Online Meditation of 15th Aug.'2012 which was truly Joyful &
Blissful By grace of our Holy Mother's Grace !!!
After having left the
Huge-collectivity of Delhi/NCR/Gurgaon due to private job life, I had been
working in a remote location of Jharkhand (near Bokaro Steel City in India) and
now am at Durgapur (West Bengal) in India these days, it's a real Grace &
Blessings of our Holy Primordial Mother, that we could sit at home along with
our family members and few other SY's and thoroughly enjoyed the same feeling
of Collectivity only due to this Online Collective Meditation even at such a
remote location. Throughout the program, most of us forgot where on earth we
are and as if we were also sitting in the same collective along with everyone.
At present I am expressing
& sharing my heartfelt feelings of Bliss & Joy with all other
Sahaja-family members of this Universe, while also enjoying to the wonderful
"Sahaja-Cowwalli" (Music) after the end of this Online Meditation
Program on the auspicious occasion of 15th Aug.'2012.
With our heartfelt THANKs
& Prayers to the Lotus Feet of Our Holy Primordial Mother for bestowing
upon all this Bliss & eternal Joy as well as with a pure desire to have
more such occasions for all the SY's staying in Remote locations of this World.
May our Holy Mother Bless all the SY's Team who have taken initiative to
organize such a nice facilitative online meditation program, and may our mother
bless them with all such Strength & Resources required to organize similar
programs on any special occasions of this World !!!
With Thanks & Regards to
one & all SY's,
8. Rajiv Sethi sethirajiv73@gmail.com
Dear sahajyogi bhai,
Jai Shri Mataji
The workshop of meditation
was good and all of us sincerely thank all of you for this effort. we would
like to be part of all the such programs conducted in future.
My name is Rajiv Sethi
E-mail address :-
City :- Chandigarh
Phone :- 0172 2636507
Lots of Nirmal Luv
9. satya rani satyarani6@gmail.com
just great meditation
session. keep it up and keep on informing me
about future workshops. thanks a lot
Satya Rani
10. nath divyendu bonny1947@yahoo.co.in
My name is Divyendu Nath and
I live at Ranchi[Jharkhand]. We liked today's workshop and in our busy schedule
we got a divine chance to attend the collectivity.We felt the Mother's love all
around and were thoughtless.
We sincerely request you to
intimate us through mail or sms about all the subsequent such programmes for
that we will be ever fortunate and obliged.
With Love,
Divyendu Nath,
Mobile Number:- 08603119195
11. Girish Sharma divine.girish@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mata Ji
I;d heard about the online meditation
before... but couldn't attend it somehow. Attended this time and it was really
a divine experience being thoughtless for so long... wow..amazing...
15th Aug a holiday for us in
India and it became holy-day for us..,,
During the workshop I felt
less vibrations at first but the continuous feeling of something draining out
was there ,then the sudden strong cool
flow experience and finally I go light and cold from inside as if someone has
patched ice packs inside me :) something I felt for the very first time in my
Although there is nothing to
rate better or best about the workshop...but the part where we felt the
spontaneous proof of being one with the Paramatma was amazing as if we were
actually with Mother.. which we were no doubt...
Please keep us update about
the future programmes.
thanks and regards
12. Amrei Willert amrei108@yahoo.de
Jai Shri Mataji,
this morning there was again
such a deep and strong online meditation from atyourlotusfeetmother@gmail.com .
The language was mostly
Hindi, but that doesn't matter at all.
Thank you to all of you that
you organized this wonderful happening. My meditation qualitiy improved a lot.
For me it was the second online meditation:)
Thank you Shri Mataji again
and again...
13. anil annassery anilannassery@gmail.com
Dear Brother's &
Thank you SHRI MATAJI for
this collective meditation, worldwide. And thank you all the brother's and
sister's behind this programme. I really enjoyed. Expecting more and more.
with Nirmal Love,
14. Pranita S pranitamh@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji Yogies,
These workshops are such
wonderful and strong experience, where
one is in complete union and company of Shri Mataji.
This was my 4th workshop
and such an intense experinece for me
It helped me a lot to mend my
connection with Shri Mataji...which all of us need so much in a place like
If you are not bound by time and want to experience this
deep company of our Holy Mother where its just you and Shri Mataji...ananya
bhakti.....then please do attend these workshops.
With Nirmal Love
Pranita, Germany
15. Mohini Harve mohini4sy@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji
Dear brothers and sisters,
Yesterday, 15th August at the
beginning of the online meditation when our brother said "we are all
sitting in a big pandal" I am sure everyone felt (as I felt...) that we
are sitting for a Sakshat Puja of Shri Adi Shakti in th "Kingdom of the
Virata" experiencing "Ultimate Divine Silence".
Concluding yesterday's
session with "Vande Mataram", Maa Teri Jai Ho" and
"Aarti" was really beautiful...
Thank you Shri Mataji for
choosing us for the most beautiful experience of Divine Bliss and Joy. How I wished it would be a full days
Thank the team of
atyourlotusfeetmother for sharing Niranand with the Global Collective.
Jai Shri Mataji
16. Suresh Goyal goyalsuresh@gmail.com
From: Suresh Goyal
Date: Wednesday,15 August,
Subject: Online Meditation.
Jai Shri Mataji,
Shri Mataji I am really lucky
and grateful to you Shri Mataji to attend this online meditation first time
I was not aware of today's
program. I just came from outstation and at about 12.15 pm opened my e-mail Id
to check my mails after 3-4 days. a link
http://atyourlotusfeetmother.blogspot.in/ was seen in mail and I opened it and I got
surprised there is the online meditation
program. Thank you Mother to bless me such a wonderful online meditation
I felt lot of joy (Anand and
Parmanand) today, Vibrations from toy to head. Unable to describe my feelings
because it was really miraculous.I am really fortunate. I never felt so much
Chaitanya in every part of my body at a same time just like today during this
meditation program.
Shri Mataji, please bless
your Divine Love to all the Sahaja Yogi brothers and sisters on this planet and
the team of this beautiful Online
meditation program.
Jai Shri Mataji
17. shashank kapur shashankkapur87@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji!!!!!!
It was a wonderful
Independence Day Celebration
couldn't have been better. There are no words to describe the feeling of joy
and happiness felt during the session!!!!!
18. Ekta Manchanda ekta11@gmail.com
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Thank you all very much for
being Mother's pure instruments in arranging this programe. It was truly
wonderful, enjoyed it throughly. My hands were numb towards the end during
Aarti & mantras. Request u all to please keep arranging similar programs in
future as well.
19. jawahar sinha jsinha22@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji
We all Enjoyed the
love of divine, effortless
mediation, and a Wonderful meditation experience.
Pls. inform for us all such
upcoming workshops!!!!!!! (Today we were
with collectivity of 12 Yogis)
Jawahar Sinha / Yuva Shakti /
Shillong/ India
20. Niket Agarwal niket.agarwal@gmail.com
Jai shri Mataji,
From the last few days my
meditation was not working well and I felt that there is a wall between me and
shri mataji and by praying also I could not break that wall. Such a feeling
separated me from the vibrations.
But today when I sat infront
of the alter of shri mataji and listen to the online meditation it's really
wonderful and felt that the wall is
falling as I am praying.
and Now I really recharged .
I am feeling like I am with Shri mataji
, in her protection.
Great experience
21. Armaity Bhabha armaitybhabha@yahoo.com
Dear Sahaja brothers and
Jai Shri Mataji !
I am a yogini from Mumbai
practising Sahaja since 1990. Yesterday it was for the first time that I joined
in the collective global meditation that you organize for the world
I was very impressed with the
good work that you all are doing, because many yogis need to realize that
Sahaja Yoga is all about buiding a proper direct connection with Shri Mataji,
if it has to work. Especially in India where rituals have always played a big
part in worship, yogis still get lost in this and mistake techniques of
clearance of chakras and nadis and recitation of shlokas as Sahaja Yoga. It is
good that you all are making yogis see that vital and crucial difference.
My suggestion is to next time
keep the sessions a bit shorter, as that would make them more crisp and
absorbing. Also we sing the 3
Mahamantras in Raag Jayajayawanti because they are set in that Raag as they
belong to the Vishhudhi chakra. But the Ganesh Mantra has to be simply recited,
as it belongs to the Mooladhara chakra.
Looking forward to attending
future vibrationful sessions conducted by you.
22. Suresh Goyal goyalsuresh@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji,
From: Suresh Goyal
Date: 15 August,2012
Subject: Notification list
E-mail: goyalsuresh@gmail.com
I request you please to add
me in your notification list and inform me in advance about all the programs in
With Love and Regards,
Suresh Goyal
23. shekhar Gharami keyashreya439@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji,
I Shekhar Gharami has got
a beautiful experience
from todays morning
meditation.By the bless of mother I feel devine
love and very easily my all
thought was going away.I wants to say a
lot of thanks for giving
wonderful experience.
Thanking you
Your Child
Shekhar Gharami
P NO.9400938946
24. lakshminarayanan r.
Jai Shri Mataji.
We cannot have a better
"Independence Day Celebration for all the Sahajis who attended the online
Meditation Programme today" by meditating on our Holy Mother than spending
on normal/other mundane things.
Pls include the following
emails in your mailing list:
Jai Shri Mataji
"You just become, like a
flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work
out." -- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.........
For more details visit :
25. Ekta Manchanda ekta11@gmail.com
My name: ekta manchanda
Place : Delhi
email ID: ekta11@gmail.com
Mob.no. : 9910914446
please include me in the
emailing list of invitation for attending this online meditation programe in
26. Bobby Sharma bobbysharma2644@gmail.com
Thanks for online
27. Praveen Singh prasingh.ad@gmail.com
keep it up i Enjoy the joy of
shri mataji and like it all the family
Neena Singh
28. ABHISHEK SEHGAL sehgalabhishek91@gmail.com
29. Kamaleshwar Singh
Jai Shri Matajee
Dear Sir / Madam
Kindly include my email
address kpsingh24@yahoo.com
for intimation of collective
guided meditation
B 702, Technopark 2
Thakur Village
Ph : +912228853553
Mob: +919820298906
30. girish sharma girish.spirit@hotmail.com
The online meditation was
very helpful,
please inform me about
further online progs.
My name is Girish Sharma
Mail id -
cell no. 09823509538 ,
navi mumbai
Thanx a lot
31. uddhav shirkande ushirkande.1496@gmail.com
Dr. Uddhav Shirkande
Taluka- Pen, Dist-Raigad,
e-mail id :
Mobile no. : 9623600768
32 Rakesh Bisht rakesh.sahajayogi@gmail.com
Dear Bhaiya,
Kindly add my email id to the
distribution list.
Thanking you,
Rakesh Bisht
33. umen kumar ukssy@shaw.ca
Dear Brothers/Sisters
though I am in your Google
group, please include me in your list for all online meditation English or
I enjoyed thoroughly the
first time I became a part of the meditation online On august 4th.
I had a great experience.
Jai Shri Mataji
34. prashant wadkar prash.wadkar9@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji......
i missed all those sessions
of online meditation happened before due to some problems...!
but i want to be notified for
further online meditation sessions through E-mail on prash.wadkar9@gmail.com or
SMS on +91 9689427252
Jai Shri Mataji..:) :)
Thank You.....!
35. Ujwala Nallapa Reddy ujwala24@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji,
Thank you very much to all
team brothers and sisters for online meditation.
36. akshit
jai shri mataji, i want to
ask that the live telecast of the independence day prog is in which site?
37. Vikky
Can we do this online
collective meditation daily for 2 hrs.. 8 PM to 10 PM ?? It will be really
helpful for us... Jai Shri Mataji
38. hardeo prasad15 August
2012 2:28 PM
jai shri mataji !!!!!!!
i had a wonderful experience
after listining this beautiful unique programme on the occasion of 15th august
2012 by the grace of shri mataji....and hope many more such online programme
should be arranged....for the collective connectivity with all sahajyogis over
the world...(Unchahar,Rai bareli -india)
39. Jawahar Sinha
Another wonderful experience
by Collectivity ......
....no words to express
....just wonderful ....we all enjoyed .....( Shillong-IND)
40. prakriti prakriti.singh@gmail.com
Dear yogis
Request you to add the
following mail ids to your notification list.
Thanks for the beautiful
online effort.
41. Mamta Thakker mamta_thakker@ymail.com
Online meditation on 15 aug
was too beautiful n i was so blessed ..Now just have one request can v have d
repeat recorded of dat same online meditation in hindi
I will b very much obliged to
u if plz provide me for d same
MY MOBILE NO. IS 9702391213
42. Madhumita Singh, Lucknow
Madhumita Singh
43. komal bapat komalbapat123@gmail.com
42. Madhumita Singh, Lucknow
I've attended session of
meditation on15th August ,it was fabulous and the experiance was
outstanding,after 1/2 an hour there was tremendous flow of vibrations
all over the body. we request you very humbly to organise the program
at least once in 15 days .As collectivity works, we wish that more and
more people join this meditation session.
May shri mataji bless all the Sahag yogis on this earth with her divine love forever and forever.

Madhumita Singh
43. komal bapat komalbapat123@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji..!!
hello dear brother/sister.. i
attended online meditation on your blog and enjoyed it a lot. it was very
blissful. i'd like to join the forth coming sessions as well. kindly send me
the details of next sessions.
Name: Komal N.Bapat
City : Hubli
State : Karnataka
Thank You
Jai Shri Mataji!!
44. rama shivakumar
Please include me in the
notification list for online meditation programs.
Rama Shivakumar
45. Semele Sardesai
Dear brothers and sisters,
Jai Shri Mataji!
I am a sahajayogini from
Vasco, Goa , India.
I attended your online
meditation on 15th august. I had also attended in April. Your method of
meditation is unique where we use only Shri Mataji's name and feel the
tremendous increase in vibrations.
I missed the one on 4th
August and also today (Nagpur Seminar was live) as I got the intimation late.
I would like to be informed
about all your online meditations because I wouldn't want to miss any.
Your sister,
46. Ramesh Gupta laxmimetal.gupta@gmail.com
MY whole family enjoyed the
meditation session conducted by you.we were feeling as if we are sitting in a
big Collectivity.The clippings of Shri Mataji you played in between were also
great .The whole session was devotion
and depth inspiring.Overall we had a great time and experienced the Divine love
of Shri Mataji.we are grateful to you people for conducting such beautiful
meditation sessions.we would like to be partof such meditations sessions in future as well.
Ramesh Kumar Gupta
47. Lachuman Sharma
Dear brothers and sisters,
I could experience really very good
vibrations and attend nirvchara on listening to the previous program. I was
eagerly waiting for the recent program but i could not listen to the recent
program as i did not know the timings of the program and the day. So if you can
just sent mail in the same mail id regarding the timings and date of the
program it would be very helpful. Looking forward for the help.
With love
Jai Shri Mataji
48. Mukesh Dhingra
Dear brothers & sisters,
thanks for being such
wonderful instruments of our Holy Mother. Eagerly awaiting the next online
meditation. kindly add me to your notification list for the online meditations.
My e-mail ID is mukeshdhingra@hotmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji
49. Pragya Mishra,
Jai Shri Mataji,
Plz. add my emailid for
giving further information regarding meditation.
Pragya Mishra
50. Ria khurana
Jai Shri Mataji..
Long back i used to live in
Raipur, chhatisgarh where i was connected with sahaja yoga through centre. But
today i live in a small town of orissa where there is no centre. So this online
meditation program was a wonderful experience for me. We enjoyed it a lot. Thank
you very much. Please continue this program every week.
I would be grateful if you
could add the below e-mail id to your notification list-Email- ria.noor@yahoo.co.in
Jai Shri Mataji..
51. Swati Sule
Jai Shri Mataji
It was deep meditation on
august 15th. Vibrations were flowing and with the blessings of Shri Mataji my
attention was on sahastrara and I enjoyed the program and since then i have
been feeling more peaceful and relaxed and my attention goes to sahastrara as
soon as i sit in meditation.
Thank you all the team for
bringing us this tremendous flow of vibrations and thanks to the universal
I am from Kochi, Kerela and i
would like to receive updates regarding the upcoming sessions. My email is swatisule@gmail.com and
ph no is 9946782408
Jai Shri Mataji
52. Nancy Teixeira
Jai Shri Mataji,
Dear Sahaj Family
Would you please tell me how
to join the online meditation?
Thank you,
53. Annamaria Csatar cs.anamari@gmail.com
Namaste !!
Dear Family , please inform me in email, everytime when online meditation, Puja or anitying else SY activity are organised , also if You need any knd of help in that SO SO MUCH LOVED,HOLLY work of You.It is so good and efficient in mediattion to go in Meditation Room everytime , anytime . Thank for organising all that I am a SY-ini from Romania - Annamaria Szabo Csatar
Thank You .
Dear Family , please inform me in email, everytime when online meditation, Puja or anitying else SY activity are organised , also if You need any knd of help in that SO SO MUCH LOVED,HOLLY work of You.It is so good and efficient in mediattion to go in Meditation Room everytime , anytime . Thank for organising all that I am a SY-ini from Romania - Annamaria Szabo Csatar
Thank You .
Jai Shri Nirmala Devi ! 






54. Michael D
Please register and advise as
to online meditation
Jai Shri Mataji
55. eesha mohapatra eesham.3103@gmail.com
Dear Brother/ sister,
Jai shri Mataji! I wanted to know
if there is an online meditation progarmme that is being conducted daily? I
yes, then kindly include me in the group and let me know the timings and
website wherein I can join in and enjoy the divine vibrations.
Thanking you,
With nirmal love,
Eesha Mohapatra
56. veni grig venigrig@hotmail.com
56. veni grig venigrig@hotmail.com
JSM dear brothers and sisters,
Would you, please, include us on the list of your online meditations? SPECIAL THANKS for that.
last months we have been looking for a way to overcome the feeling of
the catches, and to divert our attention to Mother. Today came across
your blog, which has a priceless posting!!! Just keeping attention on
the posting diverts our attention from the catches to Mother. It is
amazing how it works! One more of Mother’s miracles!!! Would you, please, share with us the link to the archived online meditations on August 4th, 2012? So many comments are out there, and we would like to experience
the same as the brothers and the sisters who joined that meditation.
Share with us please, the link to these online meditations, where we can join you the next time. When the next meditation session will take place?
Thank you for everything, and first of all THANK YOU MOTHER for this brilliant opportunity for our Sahaj growth!!! JSM!
With Sahaj Love,
Daniel and Veni
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